HomeWildlife SpecialInternational Tiger Day: Stepping towards the better future of the majestic cat

International Tiger Day: Stepping towards the better future of the majestic cat

We have walked few miles, but the journey is still long

They are big, they are strong, they are majestic, but they need protection and we have to give them if we want their existence on this planet. Yes, the big cats or tigers need to be protected and given a suitable climate and habitat in order to increase their number. That’s the whole idea of celebrating July 29 as Global tiger day every year.


With the sole aim of protecting tigers that were going extinct, it was decided at Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in the year 2010 in Russia to celebrate this day. The number of tigers in the 20th century decreased from 100000 to 3200. In the last decade alone, tiger numbers declined to 40 percent because of poaching, illegal wildlife trade, habitat loss, and human-tiger conflict. During the summit, it was declared that with the collective efforts of various countries and wildlife organizations, the big cat’s population will be doubled by 2020.

Tiger Trivia

  • Tiger is the largest animal in the cat family and can weigh up to 300 kg.
  • This gigantic cat can live for 14 to 20 years approximately.
  • This animal prefers to hunt alone during nighttime.
  • Tiger has an amazing running speed of 65 kmph.
  • Apart from being good athletes, tigers are good swimmers too. They love playing in the water.
  • In spite of all these characteristics, not even 10% of hunts end successfully for tigers.
  • Tiger cubs are born blind and open their eyes after six to fourteen days of birth.

Subspecies of Tiger


There are over nine subspecies of the big wild cat and is broadly divided on the basis of regions found, i.e. non-insular Asia and Sunda islands. Here are some details about the non-insular Asiatic subspecies:

  1. Bengal Tiger

    WSON Team

    Characteristics – This subspecies of the majestic cat has coat color varying from light yellow to red and has black stripes. Males can be from 110 to 120 inches in length and 180 to 258 kg in weight. While the Bengal tigress can be 94 to 104 inches in length and 100 to 160 kg in weight. However, these measures are larger in the case of India and Nepal.

    Areas- The Bengal Tiger is mainly found in Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, and in alluvial grasslands, tropical rainforests and wet and dry deciduous forests, etc.

  1. Caspian tiger

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    Characteristics – These subspecies of Tiger is considered extinct since the late 20th century. It had narrow and closely set stripes. Its skull was much similar to that of the Bengal tiger. Areas– It was found in forests and riverine areas of Eastern Anatolia, South Caucasus, and the coast of the Caspian Sea, along the coast of the Aral Sea, in Amu-Darya and Syr-Darya basins to the southern shore of Lake Balkhash and into the Altai Mountains.

  1. Siberian Tiger aka Amur tiger

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    Characteristics – The Siberian tiger has a thick coat with pastel hues and few dark brown stripes. Males can be from 75 to 91 inches in length and 180 to 306 kg in weight. While the Amur tigress can be 63 to 71 inches in length and 100 to 160 kg in weight.

    Areas– This population inhabits the Amur-Ussuri region of Primorsky Krai and Khabarovsk Krai in far eastern Siberia, with a small population in Hunchun National Siberian Tiger Nature Reserve in northeastern China near the border to North Korea. It is extinct in Mongolia, North Korea, and South Korea.

  1. Indochinese Tiger

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    Characteristics- It’s smaller than Bengal Tiger and its male length is over 180 inches and weighs 150 to 200 kg.  While a female’s average length is 96 inches and weighs from 100 to 130 kg.

    Areas- Indochinese tigers are mostly found in Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar.

  1. Malayan Tiger

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    Characteristics- There is not much difference between this tiger subspecies and Indochinese big cat in size. It is different only on the basis of DNA and microsatellite sequences.

    Areas – The geographic division between Malayan and Indochinese tigers is unclear as tiger populations in northern Malaysia are contiguous with those in southern Thailand. In Singapore the last tiger was shot in 1932; tigers are considered extirpated since the 1950s.

  1. South China Tiger

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    Characteristics – This is the oldest subspecies of the majestic cat and I am particularly distinguished by its narrow skull and long nose. It has -like stripes and body color is vivid orange. Males are about 91 to 102 inches and weigh between 130 to 180 kg, while females range from 87 to 94 inches and 100 to 110 kg.

Need for Tiger Conservation

  • The Tiger population became extinct in Pakistan until a white tiger was bought from Egypt in 2018.
  • Pakistan had three Bengal tigers in its zoo in 2018, but unfortunately, they couldn’t survive.
  • The Caspian Tiger is considered extinct since the late 20th century.
  • The Siberian Tiger is already extinct in Mongolia, North Korea, and South Korea.
  • In prominent areas of Southeast Asia, tiger populations have declined due to illegal usage of tiger bone for use in traditional medicine.
  • Although the government is spending Rs 15,000 crore on Tiger conservation, its poaching cases increased by 63% in 2016.
  • The mortality rate of tiger cubs is about 50% in the first two years.
  • Human population growth, logging, and farming have put pressure on tiger habitats and reduced their wild prey. Resulting in increased attacks on humans.

Tiger Conservation in India



The date July 29 is historic because on this day several countries signed the agreement in the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit, which was held in Russia in 2010. The agreement was about raising awareness about the decreasing tiger population globally and preserving the natural habitat of tigers. Also, the representatives from various countries declared that the tiger-populated countries would thrive to double the tiger population by the end of the year 2022.


Observing World Tiger Day is significant because according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), there are only 3900 wild tigers present globally.

Tigers are of various colors like White tigers, Brown tigers with black stripes, White tigers with black stripes, and Golden tigers. Watching them walk in there all majesty is a lovely sight. So far, these four species of tiger, including Bali Tiger, Caspian Tiger, Javan Tiger, and Tiger Hybrids are extinct.

  • The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) was formed in 2005.
  • NTCA is the country’s apex body overseeing tiger conservation, allocated more than Rs 15,000 crore to 21 states in 2015-16.
  • India’s track record with tiger populations has been encouraging. Numbers have steadily risen in census reports since 2006 with the 2014 survey finding an estimated 2,226 wild tigers across the country.
  • The 2018 All India Tiger Estimation is currently underway and is said to be the world’s largest wildlife survey in terms of coverage, the intensity of sampling, and the quantum of camera trapping.
  • An amount of Rs. 10.22 crore is invested by the Indian Government in the fourth cycle of All India Tiger Estimation. Financial assistance to the tune of Rs. 7 crores will be provided to the States through the ongoing Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Project Tiger.
  • India conducts the All India Tiger Estimation every four years. Three cycles of the estimation have already been completed in 2006, 2010, and 2014.
  • India has a bilateral understanding with Nepal on controlling transboundary illegal trade in wildlife and conservation, apart from a protocol on tiger conservation with China

International Tiger Day Quotes

1. “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” -Mahatma Gandhi

2. “A healthy tiger population is an indicator of sustainable development in the 13 tiger range countries.” – Midori Paxton

3. “When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport, when a tiger wants to murder him he calls it ferocity.” – George Bernard Shaw

4. “If you rile a tiger, he’s going to show his claws.” – Rob James-Collier

5. “Tyger! Tyger! burning bright, in the forest of the night, What immortal hand or eye, dare frame thy fearful symmetry?” – William Blake

6. “Tiger is a symbol of beauty, bravery, strength, and Nationality so save the Tiger. Save the Nation Pride.” – Uzma

7. “We must protect tigers from extinction. Our planet’s future depends on it.” – Michelle Yeoh

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