HomeWildlife SpecialMysteries of whale: An Oceanic Wonder

Mysteries of whale: An Oceanic Wonder

In the era of discovering a planet, do we have enough knowledge of the earth? We have started a space journey to find a new life, but do we know everything about the life surrounding us? We have started discovering space, but have we explored the ocean? Though we may not know everything.

If we think about the biggest animal on earth, the first thing that comes to our mind would be an elephant. But furthermore, we realize that a whale is the biggest animal on earth. Yet, we are not sure about it!

The ocean has its own little or rather, big secrets.

Sonali Mistry

As a kid, I used to visit Baroda Museum more often. The most fascinating thing at the museum was a baby blue whale’s skeleton. However, my infatuation with a blue whale is still not over and I keep touring Baroda Museum frequently.

Sonali Mistry

Baroda museum was established in 1894, under the rule of Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad. There are ancient artifacts, antiques, paintings, Chinese and Buddhist antiques, and preserved bodies of animals.  Nevertheless, the most attractive part of the museum is the skeleton of a baby blue whale.

Sonali Mistry

In 1944, a 71 ft 2-inch long baby blue whale came to the shore of Dabka. The baby whale could not make it to the ocean. As per the stories, the screams of the whale were audible from a distance of 2-3 kilometers. After the death of a baby whale, tons of whale oil was collected by the oil industrialists.

In the princely state of Baroda, Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad preserved history and culture for the ‘Sanskari Nagri’. He ascertained picture galleries and museums to display the art and history.

The whales are mainly divided into two categories.


baleen whales and toothed whales. There are around 90 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises. They are known as cetaceans. The types of whale are a blue whale, fin whale, sei whale, sperm whale, orca whale, beluga whale, humpback whale, bowhead whale, North Atlantic right whale, southern right whale, north pacific right whale, Bryde’s whale, gray whale, Omura’s whale, the killer whale.

Whales are the descended form of dinosaurs. Regardless, they have some similarities with humans. The whale’s immune system is powerful like humans. Whales are healthy and could resist an epidemic of bacteria or fungi. Both the species are affectionate. Whales have been seen caressing each other just like humans. Whales are exceptionally social. They live in groups, they have complex relationships, and they even have regional dialects.

Wacky whale’s fun fact:

  • The blue whale can grow up to 90 or more feet and weigh as much as 24 elephants.
  • The whales are the longest-lived mammals. They can live for more than 200 years.
  • Whale vomit is used for perfumes
  • Whales don’t sleep
  • Whales communicate through a series of songs.
  • The texture of whale milk is like toothpaste.
  • Whales fart.
  • The ocean is a part of whale pee.
  • A group of the whale is called pods.
  • The hippopotamus is the closest relative of the whale.
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